Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Kids Are Cute!

My kids are so cute!! This cute dude was just home from church when I took this one. I just can't keep my lips off his cheeks when he is dressed like this...or any other time for that matter!

And these girls......waaaaay cute!! I just bought some roller blades for them yesterday at a thrift store. They are loving them!

And these are two of the three most important mean on my earth!!!!! (Dad isn't here with us in Idaho right now because he is stuck in the snow in Alabama until spring!!)

Tonight my hunter-gatherer Grouchy brought home a duck!! No joke, he walked out of our back door, we heckled him with a duck call from the upstairs bonus room, then a couple hours later he came sloshing home through the mud after dark with a nice duck. Problem is that now I have to cook it....uuuuuuhhhhhhh.......

I know you likely have really cute kids, too, but I have to brag on mine. Send me your blog address and I will smile as I read your bragging about yours....I will!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. They are REALLY cute...and Grouchy doesn't look that grouchy. :-)My husband was just stuck in Alabama last week...I didn't think he would ever get home!!
    Keep enjoying those cuties!
