We had such a wonderful night last night at
Grouchy's company's Christmas party!! I knew a few of his co-workers from meeting them during military functions or gatherings, but I met so many amazing wives last night as I got to know some of the guys as well. It's always fun when you get like-minded, similar-aged fighter pilots and spouses together because no matter where people are from, even if they have never met, there are common experiences and threads that weave you together. I got to know a gal who is my very dear girlfriend Kirsten's close friend, and LOVE HER!!!! I felt like we had so much in common just by sharing this mutual friendship with such an amazing Kirsten!! There were employees of his company as well as clients of theirs from the oil and gas industry, and those people were very interesting to talk to. A band was all set-up and played so many fun songs....from George Strait to "Don't Mess With My Toot Toot" and all sorts of romantic and
jiggy older dance tunes. No one had been dancing for about 2 sets of the band's great playing, so when they struck up "What a Wonderful World," my romantic date asked me to dance! I am always so proud to be on his arm, and for some reason, last night was even more that way. I think now when we go to an event where we dance, he no longer is in his military uniform, but in his own duds, and I am simply overwhelmingly proud of this man, not because of his studly past career as a fighter pilot or because he is a farmer at heart (and yes, that's quite sexy!!), but because I am his. God placed me alongside him during this lifetime, and I adore him, respect him, love him, and yes, I am still head over heels for him!! We had only been dancing a few seconds when the wave of other couples finally decided to dance. Sometimes it just takes one person with a good idea or with some guts, to get everyone else moving. I know our future is amazing and exciting, and last night I could feel that. I know we are going to do amazing things, but we just have to take a leap or....fifty!
We turned in before over half of the party-goers but enjoyed time to fall asleep knowing we had a long night's rest ahead before traveling back to Idaho. Today we fly home from Houston, and we can't wait to see our kiddos and our friends who are there watching our kiddos!!! Let more fun begin!!!
I am the luckiest girl in the world. Yes, I am still a girl in my mind because I feel so much so. I am blessed beyond measure, loved like I only dreamed I could be, and thankful.....oh so thankful.
Wishing everyone true love and fairytales in this life.
One hears so much about young love, but I'll take "old" love any day. The kind where you've ALREADY been though thick and thin. Where you've seen each other at your best and your worse and yet you know, without a shadow of a doubt, it's a love that will last forever.