Friday, May 20, 2011

Med Check With Developmental Pediatrician Today

Garrett and I traveled the hour to Boise and back today for medicine check with his developmental pediatrician who put him on Vyvanse a few weeks ago. It flopped and we stopped giving it. He was sleeping worse, more anxious and screaming more, we think. His teacher agreed about the anxiety at school while he was on it. The doctor wants to try another med now. Funny thing is that it is a med one of my friend's kiddo tried the past few weeks, and it didn't work for that child. Meanwhile, that other child quit that med and is now trying Vyvanse to see if it we really have two boys with Mitochondrial DNA Depletion who are one year apart in age, trying the same meds in reverse order...and even cooler is that I think that little boy's mom is one of the coolest gals I have met!!!!!! We laughed about it all today on text messages!

Garrett was wonderful in the car today. It was one of those days where I get home and have some hope. Of course then he gets home and starts digging poop out of his diaper and panicking when he has any tiny bit of stool.....

Grouchy and Garrett napped, and I got my mountain bike out and ended up blowing up two tubes trying to change from road to trail tires. I gave up and used Grouchy's bike. Earlier today I bought Addie and Ainslee used TREK bikes from a used sporting goods store that had gotten the bikes from the same ski resort my skis came from in Jackson, Wyoming! Kind of fun!!!So not the girls can get rid of their girly, WalMart bikes and learn to shift gears and enjoy the efficiency and ride of a front suspension ride. Now to get my bike worked on and get new tubes....

I got the bike wagon out that I pull, and after Ainslee and I rode the three mile loop of our "block" and stopped by our friend's house to see about riding in his newly constructed arena, I then came home and hooked up the bike wagon deal and took Garrett for another 3 mile block. My was that a workout!! He weighs 40 pounds, but there are a few hills and it was a little windy!!! But he held up well, and I was thankful for another good workout and a nice time with him. Then we came home and there was more poop on hands and screaming about poop. But I will take all the bad for the good we had today!

So tomorrow we will try the new med. Wish us luck!!

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